Accounting 101 and Finance Overview
This course is intended for new employees and current employees who are assuming new finance responsibilities. It describes the structure of UBC Finance, offers key contact information and introduces employees to the basics of UBC accounting. Topics covered will include the roles of Payroll, Accounts Payable, Research and Trust Accounting, basic accounting practices, UBC account structure, and fund accounting.
Date: Monday, Jan 17
Time: 9 a.m. to 11:30 am
Location: TBD
To register: contact Frank Mueller, financial analyst, at 250-807-8726.
Smart Forms Training
Smart Forms are web-based requisition forms that replace paper-based requisition forms (Q-Requisitions and Travel Requisitions). This session is limited to 12 participants.
Date: Thursday, Jan. 20
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon
Location: TBD
To register: contact Antonella Lee at 250-807-8797. Please include your CWL login ID and your contact information on campus.
Navigating FMS nQuery
This course is intended for anyone on campus that has access to FMS nQuery. It provides participants with an overview of the FMS nQuery menu items and program features. An on-screen demonstration will highlight key options available and how to use them. The topics covered will include how to navigate this read-only system for various purposes: voucher inquiries, payments, vendor searches, purchase orders, ledger summaries and various payroll functions.
Participants are recommended to attend the Accounting 101 and Finance Overview workshop in advance of attending this session.
Date: Thursday, Jan. 27
Time: 9 a.m. to 12 noon
Location: TBD
To register: contact Frank Mueller, financial analyst, at 250-807-8726.