What will rural BC look like in 20 years?
Can artificial intelligence be trusted?
From the classroom to the real world
External review of the College of Graduate Studies
Consideration of extending the appointment of the Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, UBC Okanagan
Your vote counts: Upcoming BC Election and on-campus voting information
Kekuli co-owner Bond-Hogg to speak at UBCO Indigenous business series
Flag notification: Orange Shirt Day and National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 2024
Psychedelic experience improves therapists’ ability to deliver ketamine therapy
UBCO Creative Writing professor makes Giller Prize longlist
UBCO hosts fifth annual Sharon Thesen Lecture
Bridging home and school: New study explores literacy and math development
From the classroom to the vineyard
Phil Barker, former Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation, reflects on UBCO’s expanding research enterprise and the leaders who inspired him
Finding a home away from home
UBCO event explores how climate change, wildfire and water are interconnected