What do you think about UBC as a workplace? From November 1 to 18, members of the campus community will have the opportunity to share their experiences by participating in the 2011 Workplace Experiences Survey. For more information, please visit www.focusonpeople.ubc.ca.
Open to all UBC staff or faculty, the survey includes questions in areas such as opportunities for advancement, leadership, workloads, and change in the workplace. The survey is expected to take about 20 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous and confidential.
UBC has engaged Ipsos Reid, a third-party survey consultant in Canada, to administer the survey. Ipsos Reid will gather survey responses, analyze the results and generate survey reports for the University. The reports are expected to be available in early 2012, and will be shared with staff and faculty.
The survey findings will be used to help inform future strategic priorities and initiatives at UBC, both for the University overall and individual faculties/departments. These decisions and choices will rely on the experiences and points of view captured in the survey data, so make sure your voice is heard and take the survey.