Arielle Lomness
A warm welcome to Arielle Lomness, the Okanagan campus’ newest learning services librarian.
Lomness is an aluma of the Okanagan, graduating in 2011 with a BA in history and a minor in psychology.
After graduation Lomness moved to Edmonton to complete her master’s of library and information studies with the University of Alberta. While in the program, she worked as a reference assistant with the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology and as the digital repository assistant with the University of Alberta Libraries’ institutional repository. Worth noting is Lomness’ independent research study that looked at how academic staff with the institutional repository at UA.
Lomass’ second home has always been Kelowna, and since finishing her graduate studies she passionately pursued employment in the region. Now that she has returned and is a member of the library team, she will be working with the subject areas of engineering, psychology, and social work.
With her educational background and her previous work in a technical academic environment, Lomness is eager to dive into her new experiences with the Okanagan campus library.
She can be reached at arielle.lomness@ubc.ca or 250-807-8410.