The Community Builder Scholarship program created in 2005 to help the Okanagan’s top student leaders attend UBC Okanagan in its inaugural year has been renewed for another year.
A total of 33 students graduating from high schools throughout the Okanagan region will each receive a one-time award of $3,500 to attend UBC Okanagan in September. Using their own selection processes, each participating high school in the region will nominate one award recipient.
“This was originally a one-time program, but it was extremely well-received by participating high schools last year,” says Associate Registrar Deborah Robinson. “As a result, the Okanagan’s most outstanding student leaders have joined us in our first year and are using their leadership skills and experience to shape their campus. This is an amazing opportunity for a student to watch their campus grow along with them as they progress to graduation.
“We are providing the Community Builder Scholarships once again this year to continue establishing UBC Okanagan as the institution of choice for the top leaders and scholars in the region.”
The Community Builder Scholarship is an effective way to recognize students who have made it a priority to contribute to their school and community while attaining academic achievement during high school, says Karen Gilbert, counsellor at George Elliot Secondary School in Lake Country.
“At $3,500, it is a significant award that gives a definite helping hand to our most committed and contributing students,” Gilbert notes. “Often students who are greatly involved with their schools and communities simply do not have the time to work in addition to their already full schedules.”
Last year’s Community Builder Scholarship recipients are currently taking first-year courses in arts and sciences, applied science (engineering), nursing, pre-pharmacy, and management.
The application deadline for UBC Okanagan is February 28, 2006.
For information about scholarships, visit the UBC Okanagan website at:
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