A long list of health promotion projects in northern African communities will benefit from this year’s African Gala, the annual fund-raising evening organized by UBC Okanagan’s Nursing students and faculty who will travel to Africa in the New Year.
“Proceeds are going towards such things as community projects directed towards economic independence for women, buying and supplying medical supplies to the various clinics and hospitals in which we practice, supporting the education of nurses in Africa and those studying with UBC Okanagan, and to support orphanages within our placement areas,” says Tara Miller, a fourth-year Nursing student helping to organize the gala.
At the end of January, a group of 29 fourth-year Nursing students will be practicing in Northern Ghana and possibly Zambia, and they will be delivering the funds and supplies to communities there. A small portion of the funds will support travel to Africa for a supervising faculty member from the UBC Okanagan School of Nursing.
The gala evening is planned for Friday, Nov. 27, at the Kelowna and District Fish and Game Club (4087 Casorso Rd). Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with dinner catered by Rob Dew and Mark Hodgson at 7 p.m. Dinner will be followed by a dessert and coffee buffet, as well as live music by Tantalys, a four-piece classic rock band. Throughout the night guests will have the opportunity to bid on an assortment of silent auction items.
Tickets are $60 and can be purchased by contacting the organizers by email at ghanagala2009@live.com, or by phone: Cherie 250-863-6844 or Erin 250-308-5354.
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