Miriam Grant, leading academic on HIV/AIDS and urban food security in Southern and Eastern Africa, joins UBC

Miriam Grant, Vice Provost of Research and Dean of the College of Graduate Studies
Miriam Grant will join the University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus in the senior administrative position of Vice Provost, Research and Dean of the College of Graduate Studies for a five-year term starting Sept. 1.
Grant has been a member of faculty at the University of Calgary since 1991 and is a specialist in the human geography of Africa.
“Dr. Grant brings a tremendous record of accomplishment in scholarly research, academic leadership, and research administration related to graduate studies and research,” says Wesley Pue, Provost and Vice Principal at UBC’s Okanagan campus.
“Dr. Grant has made significant contributions to the understanding of HIV/AIDS and urban food security in Southern and Eastern Africa, including research on the social dimensions of HIV/AIDS care, including aspects related to gender relations” says Pue. Her work has centred too on the social and economic vulnerability of urban youth, lodging and multiple modes of livelihood in African cities, and the role of the African elite in urban community development.
Grant obtained her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Geography from Queen’s University in 1975 and a Bachelor of Education in Geography and History in 1977. She subsequently earned a Master of Arts in Geography in 1983 from the University of Windsor, and completed her Ph.D. (Doctorate) in Geography at Queen’s University in 1992.
In addition to her accomplishments as a researcher, Grant has also been active in teaching both undergraduate and graduate students. She has contributed significantly to university administration including service at the University of Calgary where she has served as Associate Dean Research (Faculty of Arts), Associate Dean Research (Faculty of Social Sciences), Associate Dean (Faculty of Graduate Studies), Graduate Coordinator, (Department of Geography), and Acting Associate Head (Department of Geography).
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