Renovations in the Administration building are starting this month and as a result Payment and Procurement Services (formerly part of Finance) and Human Resources will temporarily move to new locations.
These moves are part of a larger space-intensification initiative for the Okanagan campus. More information on space and space planning will be sent to all Okanagan campus employees in the near future.
Payment & Procurement Services (PPS)
PPS is moving to the Engineering Management Education building (EME 2131) on Monday, August 12.
Departmental services will experience a disruption from 12 noon on August 9 (today) to 12 noon on August 12.
There will not be a drop box available at the new location in the EME building. Going forward all items including bank deposits must be dropped off at EME 2131 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. on weekdays.
Human Resources (HR)
HR is moving to the third floor of the Reichwald Health Sciences Centre between August 13 and 15, 2013.
HR is not expecting any service disruptions on these days.