Professor Daniel Green, Winthrop Professor of Cardiovascular Physiology, School of Sports, Science, Exercise and Health, University of Western Australia.
Visiting scholar discusses successes, failures of medicine through the ages
WHO: Professor Daniel Green, Winthrop Professor of Cardiovascular Physiology, School of Sports, Science, Exercise and Health, University of Western Australia.
WHAT: A Brief History of Big Ideas in Medical Science
WHEN: Monday, December 2, 7 p.m.
WHERE: Mary Irwin Theatre, Rotary Centre for the Arts, 421 Cawston Ave.
REGISTRATION: online at ubcoprofessorgreen.eventbrite.ca
When it comes to advances in medicine, there have been remarkable discoveries over the ages. Through education, improved care, elimination of disease and aid of technology, medicine has helped create a healthier, longer-living society in the Western world.
But where do these ideas come from? Some are the result of research, increasing knowledge, best practices, the application of wisdom – and sometimes it’s being in the right place at the right time.
Visiting scholar Professor Daniel Green, University of Western Australia, considers 400 years of medical science and patterns emerging from Nobel Prize -winning studies to address the questions: Where do paradigm-shifting ideas come from and where should we look next?
Green presents his free public talk, A Brief History of Big Ideas in Medical Science, on Monday, December 2, 7 p.m., at the Mary Irwin Theatre, Rotary Centre for the Arts, 421 Cawston Ave., Kelowna.
A dedicated researcher, Green is an engaging speaker who will draw you into the world of medical science and the pursuit of health before and after death. His research encompasses the human lifespan, looking at the best combinations of exercise, pharmacological and other preventive measures to minimize onset of cardiovascular disease.
Please register at: ubcoprofessorgreen.eventbrite.ca
This visiting scholar discussion is presented by UBC’s Faculty of Health and Social Development and supported by the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s Invited Distinguished Visitor Fund.
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