What: UBC Engineering Graduate Symposium
Who: Graduate students in civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering programs
When: Thursday, May 1, 1:15 to 5 p.m.
Where: EME 1101, EME 1121, EME 1202, Engineering, Management, Education building, 1137 Alumni Avenue, UBC’s Okanagan campus, Kelowna
Ever wonder what really goes on in the engineering labs at UBC’s Okanagan campus?
Now is the time to find out. Engineering graduate students are opening the doors to the public on Thursday, May 1 for the first-ever Engineering Graduate Symposium. The event provides an opportunity for engineering graduate students to share their research with the university and greater Okanagan communities through oral presentations.
This half-day academic event brings together students, faculty, and industry professionals from a variety of engineering disciplines. Beyond providing a platform for graduate students to sharpen their presentation and communication skills, this symposium also facilitates networking among young researchers, university faculty, and the wider engineering profession.
The conference consists of three parallel sessions, each showcasing the work of graduate researchers. Students will have a maximum of 12 minutes to make their presentations. Winning participants among both master’s and PhD students will be awarded certificates and monetary prizes.
The engineering grad student symposium takes place Thursday, May 1, from 1:15-4:50 p.m. at the Engineering, Management, Education (EME) building at UBC’s Okanagan campus. The symposium is free and open to the public.
The conference program is attached below.