Daniella Roze
What: Living Wild in the Stone Age Slideshow Presentation
When: Thursday, June 12, 7 p.m.
Where: Woodhaven Eco Culture Centre, 969 Raymer Rd., Kelowna
Admission: $10 donation suggested
Daniella Roze spent a month ‘Living Wild’ in the mountains with a group of women subsisting completely on wild foods with only buckskin clothing, stone tools and their own ingenuity.
As founder, director and lead instructor of the Thriving Roots Wilderness School on Vancouver Island, Roze facilitates leadership training, delivers classes in environmental education and personal development.
Roze shares her experience of Living Wild, in a slide show presentation Thursday, June 12, 7 p.m. at UBC’s Eco Culture Centre, 969 Raymer Rd., Kelowna. A $10 donation is suggested.
For more information contact Daniella Roze at akutree@yahoo.ca