From cedar basket weaving, to poetry nights and sessions on wild plants, wilderness living and storytelling, there are workshops and events at UBC’s Eco Culture Centre in August, appealing to a wide range of interests. Unless noted, events take place at Eco Culture Centre at Woodhaven Nature Conservancy, 969 Raymer Rd., Kelowna.
Events are open to the public and most require registration. Here is the lineup of events:
Wednesday, August 13, 7 p.m. — The Woodshed Readings
An evening of poetry readings and live music featuring:
- Megan Hunter, UBC Okanagan Creative Writing undergraduate student
- Brianna Ferguson, UBC Okanagan Creative Writing undergraduate student
- Natalie Rice, UBC Okanagan Creative Writing graduate
- Nancy Holmes, acclaimed BC poet and associate professor, UBC Okanagan Creative Writing program.
The evening includes musical guest Natalie Ingram on guitar and vocals, UBC Okanagan English master’s program graduate
Friday, August 15, 7 p.m. – Living Wild in the Stone Age slideshow presentation with Daniella Roze (note location change)
Come experience a woman’s month-long journey in the mountains subsisting completely on wild foods with only buckskin clothing and stone tools. This event is not at Woodhaven – to be held at the Environmental Education Centre for the Okanagan, 2363A Springfield Road (intersection of Springfield and Durnin).
Cost: $10 suggested donation. No registration necessary.

Daniella Roze conducts three workshops in August: Living Wild on Aug. 15; Wild Plants on Aug. 16 and cedar cark basket weaving on Aug. 17
Saturday, August 16, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Wild Plants: Healing and Nourishment workshop with Daniella Roze
A full-day workshop. Learn how to identify and gather wild plants for food, medicine, and much more. Deepen your connection to place while building your relationships with plants through expanding your senses and creative writing. Beverages provided; please bring a bag lunch and dress for the outdoors.
Cost: $70. Please register online on the Woodhaven blog:
Sunday, August 17, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Cedar bark basket weaving workshop with Daniella Roze
A full-day workshop. Learn the art of cedar basket weaving while deepening your connection to the cedar tree and weaving your story into your creation. Creatively explore what cedar has to teach you. Beverages provided; please bring a bag lunch and dress for the outdoors.
Cost: $80. Please register online on the Woodhaven blog:
Friday, August 22, 7 p.m. – Laurie MacFayden reading
Edmonton poet and visual artist Laurie MacFayden will read from her second book of poetry, Kissing Keeps Us Afloat (Frontenac House, September 2014).
Free event.
Monday, August 25, to Saturday, August 30 – Erin Candela Artist Residency: story markers and maps
Northern BC and Toronto visual artist and gallery owner Erin Candela will create personalized home art installations, based on family histories and geographies, in select locations. Details to be announced.
Wednesday, August 27, 7 p.m. – The Woodshed Readings season finale
Live poetry readings by Okanagan authors Kelly Shepherd, Michael V. Smith, Laisha Rosnau, and Matt Rader. Musical guests to be announced.
The Woodhaven Eco Culture Centre is located in a 3.5-hectare nature conservancy in a wildland corridor along Bellevue Creek which flows from Myra Bellevue Provincial Park. With an agreement with the Regional District of the Central Okanagan, which recently acquired the site, the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies manages a large heritage home on the property that is an ideal place to hold small retreats, art projects, events, and performances.