Engineering graduate student Adam Lee has been awarded the Western Association of Highway Officials legacy scholarship.
The award is administered by the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC), a non-profit association that sets many standards used by transportation engineers across Canada.
“TAC’s mission is to support Canada’s future leaders in transportation, and I am honored that they recognize this potential in me,” says Lee.
Lee was awarded his scholarship based on his research on sustainable community land use and transportation systems, including development and application of instrumented probe bicycle technology for engineering safer bicycling infrastructure plans and designs.
“When I browsed through the 2014 TAC Foundation Donors list, I was impressed by the number of industry sponsors. It means a lot to me that these industry leaders saw potential in the work we are doing in our Sustainable Transportation Safety research lab at UBCO.”
Competition is stiff for TAC scholarships and this award highlight’s Lee dedication and hard work.
“Personally, it is a great motivation. But more importantly, this award shows that the research we are conducting in our STS research lab has real-world significance,” says Lee.
“I think this award is a motivation for our students because it shows that leaders from industry believe our work makes a difference.”
Lee is originally from Kelowna and earned his BASc from the Okanagan campus. His focus during his undergraduate degree was civil and transportation engineering.