Four-day event provides opportunities to enhance job hunting skills
A major goal of attending university is to land a great career. With this in mind, UBC Okanagan’s Faculty of Management is organizing Career Days from November 2 to 5, to give students job hunting skills, ideas, and tips needed for today’s fast-paced world.
Career Days has expanded this year, says organizer Rhys Mahannah. The four-day event provides students with a number of interactive opportunities to hone their career-hunting skills and meet with business leaders.
“Career Days provides a lot of fantastic programming designed to help students define their own unique career paths,” says Mahannah. “The event provides the opportunity for our students to learn about career skills, develop their résumés and interview strategies.”
Career Days kicks off with a student leadership conference, with a variety of educational sessions. This takes place Sunday, November 2, and information can be found at:
During Career Days, the Faculty of Management is hosting several campus events, including the back-by-popular-demand Extreme Makeover résumé review session on Tuesday, November 4, and the speed-networking and social event at 5 p.m. the same day. Students can register for these at
“During the speed-networking and social, students will learn more about what various organizations are doing and what types of student and graduate positions they’re offering,” says Mahannah. “This is a great opportunity for students to engage with the organizations that interest them most, while enjoying catered food and a drink.”
The mock interview session, Ace Your Interview, takes place Wednesday, November 5, and Mahannah says this free workshop is ideal for people who get jittery at the thought of a job interview.
Most Career Days events take place in the Richard S. Hallisey Atrium, Engineering/Management/Education building, UBC’s Okanagan campus, while the student leadership conference takes place at UBC’s University Centre and other locations across campus. All UBC students are welcome to participate and UBC alumni are encouraged to take part in the speed-networking and social.
Career Days details and registration links can be found at:

Faculty of Management students wait for their turn at the mock interview sessions during an event on campus last year. Tips on how to nail that interview, improve your résumé, and make the best first impression are all part of Career Days at UBC’s Okanagan campus.