Eight eminent artists perform works by Beethoven and Schubert at free event
What: Minds and Music
Who: Octagon classical musical ensemble
When: Friday, March 27, 12:30 to 1:50 p.m.
Where: University Centre Ballroom, UBC’s Okanagan campus, Kelowna
Take eight passionate and talented musicians; combine them with UBC Okanagan’s annual Minds and Music event, and you end up with an extraordinary Friday afternoon performance.
The illustrious ensemble Octagon performs at UBC Okanagan’s Minds and Music event on Friday, March 27 in the University Centre Ballroom.
The public is invited to join Octagon musicians Martin Beaver, Mark Fewer, Rivka Golani, Rachel Mercer, Joseph Phillips, James Campbell, Kathleen McLean, and Ken MacDonald as they perform a selection of seldom-heard but popular pieces. The afternoon will include excerpts from Schubert’s Octet Opus 16 and Beethoven’s Septet Opus 20, one of his most successful and popular works.
Minds and Music is organized by Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences Assoc. Prof. of Philosophy Manuela Ungureanu. She envisions students, faculty, staff, and the wider Okanagan community together experiencing the joy of music making and learning about its cultural and historical ties.
“In making this concept a reality,” says Ungureanu, “we have enriched life at UBC’s Okanagan campus. We have also been surprised to discover a real appetite in the community for bringing the universal language of music into our everyday conversations, with music performances enhanced by faculty presentations, some of which are connected to our regular courses in the humanities.”
This time the Minds and Music event coincides with a first-year course, Introduction to Literary Genre, taught by Assist. Prof. Anderson Araujo, who teaches English with the department of Critical Studies. Araujo recently taught Romantic poetry and sees the concert as a unique opportunity to enhance literary study with music from the time period.
“It is not only a rare privilege to be able to attend a first-rate performance of selections by Romantic composers on our campus,” Araujo says. “But it will also give the students a richer understanding of the Romantic Revolution in the arts.”
The Octagon concert is open to the public and takes place in the University Centre Ballroom (UNC 200). This free event is supported by Chamber Music Kelowna and the Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences (Unit 8).
To find out more, visit: mindsandmusic.ok.ubc.ca/2015/octagon