Ombuds Officer Cindy Leonard.
The Ombuds Office is excited to welcome Cindy Leonard to UBC Okanagan.
Leonard — a long-serving French as a second language educator — is the new Okanagan campus Ombuds Officer. She graduated with a BEd in 1995 from the Campus Saint-Jean, a French-language faculty of the University of Alberta. There, she developed the skills required to serve on many school boards and teach various French programs across Canada. While still holding a professional teaching certificate in both BC and Ontario, she has made a natural transition to UBC Okanagan to continue fulfilling her desire to support students in a culture and spirit of fairness.
Ombuds Officers works with UBC community members to ensure students are treated fairly and can learn, work and live in a fair, equitable and respectful environment. They act as a confidential resource for students who are navigating difficulties with some aspect of their university life and would like a chance to discuss their concerns with a person who will hear them out and offer objective advice.
Beyond supporting students, Ombuds Officers are also a resource for faculty and staff who work with student policies or make decisions that directly affect students.
Anyone wishing to meet Leonard and learn more about the Ombuds Office can feel free to drop by at any time. She can be found in the University Centre building, room UNC 217, and can be contacted at cindy.leonard@ubc.ca or 250 807 9818.