Employees recognized for 15 to 45 years of service
Faculty and staff who have worked for the university from 15 to 45 years of service were congratulated at a Length of Service Recognition reception held in late October. UBC has always recognized 25 years of service for faculty and staff and now UBCO has developed a program to recognize people in five-year increments, starting at 15 years.
“It is important to recognize our staff and faculty who have dedicated so many years of service and who have helped to make our institution what it is today,” said Gillian Anderson, director of Human Resources at UBCO. “Our honourees this evening have been part of building a remarkable college and university system for this province—and one that serves the Okanagan in extraordinary ways.”
There are 41 honourees for 2019 with the following breakdown.
Faculty and staff with 15 years of service
- Bernard Bauer
- Shirley Chau
- Lisa Grekul
- Chris Guenard
- Karen Hodges
- Rachelle Hole
- David Jack
- Trudy Kavanagh
- Sean Lawrence
- Cynthia Mathieson
- Jessica Mueller
- Noriko Ozawa
- Karen Ragoonaden
- Julien Vernet
- Michael Woodworth
Faculty and staff with 20 years of service
- Luis Aguiar
- Lucia Boersma
- Patricia Lasserre
- Muriel Kranabetter
- Karen Perry
- Manuela Ungureanu
Faculty and staff with 25 years of service.
- Roger Bizzotto
- Kit Pasula
- Scott Reid
- Donna Senese
- Carolyn Szostak
Faculty and staff with 30 years of service
- Jack Boychuk
- Fes de Scally
- Mary Forrest
- James Hull
- Andrew Irvine
- James Johnson
- Cathy King
- Janet MacArthur
- Wendy Mohns
- Murray Neuman
- James Rochlin
- Barbara Rutherford
- Karen Whitehouse
Faculty with 40 years of service
- Carolyn MacHardy
Faculty with 45 years of service
- Edward Butz