Globe and Mail health reporter André Picard will discuss the COVID-19 aftermath at a free, virtual presentation March 14.
What: What’s Next: The COVID Aftermath
Who: Award-winning journalist André Picard
When: Monday, March 14, from 7 to 8:15 pm
Venue: Free, online virtual event
As Canada wraps up the second full year of living under pandemic conditions and begins to dial back restrictions, UBC Okanagan hosts award-winning journalist André Picard who will discuss the next steps of the COVID-19 aftermath.
The Globe and Mail health reporter and columnist has been described as one of Canada’s top health and public policy observers and commentators. In 2020, he was the first person to publicly declare Canada should “shut it down” and implement physical distancing guidelines.
He has covered all angles of the pandemic—from the status of frontline workers, to the implications for older adults and youth, to the impact on our workplaces. And as restrictions and guidelines continually change, he will discuss what we have learned, what the country could have done better, and that at some point, some good should come from all of this.
Picard is the author of five bestselling books, an eight-time nominee for the National Newspaper Awards and past winner of the Michener Award for Meritorious Public Service Journalism.
His presentation is part of UBCO’s Embrace Aging Month, a month-long series of events to highlight ways people can age well and in-place. Picard’s event is co-hosted by the Faculty of Health and Social Development and the Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention.
More information and a registration link to this free, public event can be found at: events.ok.ubc.ca/event/whats-next-the-covid-aftermath-with-andre-picard