We will soon be embarking on an External Review of the UBC Okanagan Library.
The purpose of the review is to evaluate the operation and management of the UBC Okanagan Library and the role it plays in the academic life of our campus. The review will identify its achievements, the scope and balance of its various functions, the effectiveness of its leadership and administration, and the opportunities and challenges it faces in the future.
To view the Terms of Reference (PDF), visit: http://universityrelations.ok.ubc.ca/adminnews/files/2018_LibraryReview_TOR.pdf
The Review Team will submit a report to the Provost whose findings should be of value to the Library and its leadership, as well as to the Provost and other relevant stakeholders.
The members of the Review Team are:
- Donna Bourne-Tyson
University Librarian
Dalhousie University - Dr. Mary Ann Mavrinac
Vice Provost, and Andrew H. and Janet Dayton Neilly Dean of Libraries
University of Rochester - Dr. Mary-Jo Romaniuk
Vice-Provost, Libraries and Cultural Resources
University of Calgary
The Review Team will visit UBC Okanagan from February 13 to 15, 2019. Interviews will be held with Okanagan faculty members, staff, students, senior administrators, and other individuals and groups that may interact with the Library. Before the arrival of the reviewers, they will receive documentation in the form of a self-study on all aspects of the Library’s operations, including its facilities and resources, internal and external relationships, and services.
I invite and encourage written comments relevant to the matters under review from faculty, students and staff. Please forward your comments to Sharel Verigin at Sharel.Verigin@ubc.ca.
Your comments will be held in strict confidence, and Sharel will arrange for them to be forwarded to the members of the Review Team. Please indicate if you wish your comments to be anonymous so they can be redacted to eliminate your name and any identifying information before providing them to the Review Team.
The deadline for receipt of comments is Friday, January 25, 2019.
Please ensure your comments are identified by name and affiliation.
Dr. Ananya Mukherjee-Reed
Provost and Vice-Principal Academic