Can meeting by Zoom affect a first impression?
Engaging UBC Okanagan students and Hollywood audiences alike
What will Canadians be celebrating this Canada Day?
Month-long Indigenous Art Intensive set for UBC Okanagan
UBCO’s Kevin Chong discusses identity and heritage in his latest novel
How are Netflix and YouTube reshaping culture?
How Dr. Anita Girvan is creating inclusive spaces for environmental conversations
Championing human rights in a world of artificial intelligence
Exceptional faculty members celebrated as 2024’s Researchers of the Year
UBCO graduating students host largest-ever art show
A hidden waterway comes alive through community art
Okanagan Short Story Contest shortlist announced
Enriching family literacy in the Okanagan one kit at a time
How a Mayan language exchange is empowering Indigenous students
UBCO hosts annual gala evening of art and entertainment
UBCO author’s book about who owns your data nominated for top prize