UBC Okanagan’s Fine Arts graduates present: Stranger In Your Pocket exhibition
Creative students and faculty members host annual Spring Festival
‘Heartbreaking’ story wins 2016 Okanagan Short Story Contest
Wrongly imprisoned human-rights filmmaker visits UBC
Okanagan short fiction contest short list announced
Indigenous playwright Cliff Cardinal explores taboo subcultures and the heart of darkness in HUFF performances
Celebrate UBC’s first century with a night at the opera
UBC celebrates diversity with Okanagan international film festival
Immigrant experience in Kelowna, a photo exhibition
UBC presents ‘Ruth’ sisters in parallel universes
Quirky stage comedy Vu steeped in tradition of French Circus
Budding writers encouraged to submit work for short story contest
UBC art project examines stereotypes, racism, and privilege
UBC prescribes Medicine for Okanagan audiences
¡Bravo! This year’s Hispanic Cinema Retrospective ready to roll
UBC kicks off public arts-and-culture events in the Okanagan