Josh Schlinker, middle, a Rutland Secondary School grad who has just completed his first year of engineering at UBC Okanagan, was on hand when BC Hydro introduced a new scholarship endowment fund for UBC Okanagan Engineering students. The endowment was announced by Jim Dixon, left, BC Hydro Area Manager of Distribution for the Southern Interior, and Dr. Michael Isaacson, Dean of UBC’s Faculty of Applied Science.
BC Hydro is investing in students at UBC Okanagan’s new School of Engineering, creating a $20,000 scholarship endowment to help future engineers achieve their goals.
“BC Hydro recognizes the importance of helping tomorrow’s engineers obtain the best possible education, and we are proud to support top students and citizens with this scholarship,” says Jim Dixon, BC Hydro’s Area Manager, South Interior, Distribution.
“BC Hydro scholarships provide financial assistance to students who are leaders and role models in their schools and communities. We look to support students who demonstrate a balanced lifestyle and a commitment to a post-secondary education,” he notes.
The BC Hydro Scholarship in Engineering consists of an annual award of $1,000 for a student currently enrolled in UBC Okanagan’s School of Engineering. Preference may be given to students involved in studies related to energy conservation and sustainability.
“The initial cohort of students have just completed a challenging but very rewarding first-year Engineering One program at UBC Okanagan,” says Dr. Michael Isaacson, Dean of Applied Science at UBC.
“This annual award will serve to encourage more students to study energy conservation and sustainability as part of their engineering education,” Dr. Isaacson notes. “We are very grateful to BC Hydro for the support it has provided for our students and our new School of Engineering.”
The new BC Hydro UBC Okanagan Engineering Scholarship will be available for the 2006-2007 Winter session.
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