Learning Services Media Centre ready to help with your next media-rich project

October 6, 2010

Opportunities to teach and learn media skills at UBC’s Okanagan campus have taken a leap forward with the opening of Learning Services’ new Media Centre. Located on the ground floor of the Administration building, the Media Centre includes a state-of-the-art studio, editing and video streaming equipment as well as a 12-station innovation lab.

A program of workshops on topics including production design, use of video equipment, the use of lighting and sound, editing, file management and broadcasting are available to both students and faculty.

Creative and technical staff are available to advise and work with faculty on the design of media-based assignments and to provide training and support to students in the use of media in projects and assignments. Media Centre staff work closely with colleagues in the Library and the Centre for Teaching and Learning to support effective teaching and learning on our campus.

The Media Centre is also home to UBCO.TV, the Internet television network designed here to serve our campus and university. Gwen Zilm, AVP Learning Services, spoke to the importance of the Media Centre in saying, “we all live in a media and digitally rich world and it is incumbent on us to understand the role of media and to be informed and knowledgeable about how to apply media to address the issues and concerns that challenge our world.”

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