Here are some professional development workshops for faculty and staff at UBC’s Okanagan campus in the next few weeks:
November 7 Colloquia: teacher education programs |
November 7 Writing a scholarly article C/P |
November 7 RefWork |
November 7 Editing and revision strategies: the basics |
November 8 Library research for graduate students |
November 9 Writing a Scholarly Article C/P |
November 10 NSSE and our campus: 2011 results |
November 10 HR Lunch and Learn: interviewing tips |
November 10 Tomorrow’s academic: teaching and disseminating research using social media |
November 14 Writing a scholarly article C/P |
November 14 Editing and revision strategies: organization, structure, clarity, and conciseness |
November 16 Information session: behavioral research ethics applications |
November 16 WestGrid Seminar Series: job scheduling explained |
November 16 Holistic nutrition and habits to enhance your well-being |
November 16 Getting started on your literature review |
November 17 SoTL brown bag lunch series |
November 17 Designing and presenting a poster |
November 17 Information session for IGS 630: teaching in higher education |
For a full listing visit the Okanagan campus events calendar.