Fire, Life and Safety Technician Brian Toering discusses fire drill evacuation procedures with Residence Life staff.
In January, Brian Toering — Fire, Life and Safety Technician with Facilities Management — conducted a series of fire drills across campus and was impressed with how efficiently two groups responded.
Toering noted that everyone in the Creative Studies section of the Fine Arts and Health building deserve kudos for their response to their drill. The group was organized, communicated clearly and evacuated their building in record time.
Residence Advisor Elise Van Brummelen also deserves kudos. She single-handedly evacuated the entire residence — which required evacuating the building, moving students away from the entrance and communicating clearly throughout.
Facilities Management works closely with Health, Safety, and Environment, to conduct on-campus fire drills once per semester in January and September, in order to ensure readiness in the event of an evacuation. Both departments would like to thank the campus community for the success and efficiency in which the drills were handled last month.