Richard Arnold, Terri Verigin, Jessica Mueller, Ashley Stapleton and Doreen Lock represent the newly integrated frontline for Student Services on campus. Absent from photo: Nancy Adams, Jill L’Abbe, Nancy Sandvoss.
Two frontline service providers — Student Financial Assistance and Awards (SFAA) and Student Services — have combined their spaces to better integrate how students at UBC’s Okanagan campus are served.
Nancy Sandvoss and Nancy Adams from SFAA are now located with Student Services staff Richard Arnold, Terri Verigin, Ashley Stapleton, Doreen Lock & Jessica Mueller. The group has also welcomed Jill L’Abbe into the new position of Customer Service Supervisor.
Students are now able to stop at the big red counter in the University Centre building and receive the full range of frontline services. Students will also be able to process documents at one stop that used to require a separate visit to each area.
The newly integrated units are excited about these changes and encourage members of the campus community to see what’s new at the big red counter.