Abdulrahman Alnaar
Abdulrahman Alnaar arrived at UBC’s Okanagan campus in 2009 to study political science. An international student from the Kingdom of Bahrain, he had volunteered extensively through his high school back home. Over the past couple of years, Alnaar has become a very involved student leader — currently, he is a director at large for the UBC Students’ Union Okanagan.
As a volunteer, he participated in the Reading Week Day of Caring series last February (a partnership between United Way and the Community Service Learning Program) by helping out at Kelowna’s Gospel Mission. With a new Community Outreach initiative forming through the Students’ Union, many more students will get to be part of this kind of volunteer experience.
Students who want to get connected to the campus community can check out the Students’ Union or the Community Service Learning Program. The UBC Okanagan Get Involved Centre is another great place for students to start.
To learn more about how you can contribute in your own way, visit the campus campaign website.
To find out more visit: www.castanet.net/news/Change-Starts-Here/79734/Campus-community