Here are some professional development workshops for faculty and staff at UBC’s Okanagan campus over the next few weeks:
Write to win: business writing style II
Continuing from last year’s Write to Win workshop, this all-day immersion in business writing will help to solidify the core concepts of reader-centred writing.
The Write to Win: Business Writing Style I course is not a pre-requisite for this workshop.
Date: Friday, May 31
Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: DVC Boardroom, room ADM102C
Cost: $75
Instructor: Michelle Superle
To register for this course visit the Human Resources website. To find out more, contact Deb Deorksen in Human Resources.
More workshops
May 2 Editing Diary: A method for enhancing your editing skills |
May 2, 9 and 16 Academic Writing for Graduate Students in the Sciences and Engineering |
May 6 Course (Re)Design Seminar |
May 6 and 13 eRecruit Training |
May 6, 13 and 16 Scholarly Reading and Writing: Six Required Modules |
May 6 Using New Technology to Keep Current |
May 6 and 13 Writing a Journal Article: Seven Required Modules |
May 7 Dissertation/Thesis Boot Camp |
May 8 and 15 BEN (Behaviour modification-Exercise-Nutrition) |
May 9 Hyperion Refresher Training |
May 11 Through the Child’s Eyes |
May 14 Writing a Grant Proposal |
May 14 Getting Started and Staying Organized: Writing a major document |
May 14 and 15 Modernization of the Canadian Copyright Act |
May 15 Using RefWorks and Mendeley |
For a full listing visit the Okanagan campus events calendar.