International student leaders and scholars recognized
The best and brightest from UBC’s international student community were recognized on September 12 at the annual International Student Awards Dinner. This formal dinner gives UBC the opportunity to recognize the outstanding international undergraduate students and community leaders on the Okanagan campus.
Four awards presented at the dinner: the International Leader of Tomorrow Award, the Donald A. Wehrung International Student Award, the International Community Achievement Award, and the International Major Entrance Scholarships.
Staff and faculty from every academic unit at UBC’s Okanagan campus attended the dinner to show their support for the ever-expanding international community at the university.
“These awards recognize the exceptional international students we have at UBC. In their home countries these students have excelled academically and have served their school and communities with pride. And they continue to do so here in the Okanagan,” says Susan Allan, manager of international recruitment.
“All of the recipients are smart, talented people from around the world that we are very fortunate to have with us.”
UBC International Scholars (International Leader of Tomorrow Award and the Donald A. Wehrung International Student Award winners)
- Joses Akampurira from Uganda
- Nene Mate Azu from Ghana
- Ishrak Bin Iltut from Bangladesh
- Rohma Khurram Nawaz from Pakistan
International Major Entrance Scholarship recipients
- Suresh Badlani from Pakistan
- Maria Bersteneva from Russia
- Adjoa Quainoo from Botswana
International Community Achievement Award
- Xiangting Fu from China
- Natalia Penuela Gallo from Colombia
- Fatou Gamatie from Niger
- Krishna Sindhuja Kambhampati from India
- Seungwook Lee from South Korea
- Michael Mutuku Mutiso from Kenya
- Nishat Tasnim from Bangladesh
The Donald A. Wehrung International Student Award, International Leader of Tomorrow Award and International Major Entrance Scholarships are all given out to new UBC students. The International Community Achievement Award is given out to returning UBC students who have made a difference on campus.
Some changes to note from the 2012 international student awards: The International Leader of Tomorrow and Donald A. Wehrung International Student Award (formerly known as the International Student Humanitarian Award) are now administered under the scholarship umbrella of the International Scholars program.
Thanks a lot for the update. This is great. Congratulations to all award winners.