UBC Travel Smart trade show and seminar
UBC Travel Program Manager Judith Fograscher will be on campus for the annual UBC Travel Smart trade show and seminar on January 21.
To RSVP, visit: www.eply.com/UBCTravelSmart2015-Okanagan. If you have any questions, email carole.miller@ubc.ca.
Learn the basics of shooting and video production at new weekly series
Media Centre Studio is starting a new weekly series of video production workshops. The first session starts tomorrow and will focus on basic camera skills.
Sessions will run each Thursday at 12 noon in room ADM013 and will focus on a different topic each week.
To find out more, visit: news.ok.ubc.ca/exchange/2015/12/10/media-centre-studio-launches-weekly-video-production-workshop-series
More workshops
January 7 Blackboard Connect for Adjuncts and Sessionals |
January 11 Teaching Large Classes Community of Practice |
January 12 Academic Integrity and Turnitin |
January 12 Copyright Essentials for Thesis Writing |
January 13 Keeping Up-to-Date on Current Research |
January 14 cIRcle: Your Institutional Repository |
January 14 Reflective Practice Workshop: Session One |
January 20 New Staff Orientation Workshop |
January 21 Advanced Features in Connect |
January 21 Resume Rescue |
January 28 RISe Drop-in Session |
For a full listing of workshops, visit the Okanagan campus events calendar.