Allan King, former manager of maintenance and grounds, with the City of Kelowna’s Most Environmentally Dedicated Individual award he won in 2010. Behind him is the campus trail system, one of the many campus sustainability initiatives King championed over the years.
Al King Memorial Shear organized for Aug. 25
Facilities Management’s Chris Kraft is starting a new tradition in support of the Canadian Cancer Society and in memory of former UBC Okanagan employee Al King.
King, who passed away from bone cancer in August 2014, was a beloved member of the Facilities Management team and well-known for being Kelowna’s “Compost King.” He was a leader and mentor to many on and off campus.
Chris Kraft will be completing the Al King Memorial Shear every two years in memory of Al King. The event will take place every second August — with Kraft growing and then shearing his hair to raise donations for The Canadian Cancer Society. The inaugural shearing will take place at 10:30 a.m. near in the campus courtyard.
Progress photos will be posted monthly and a final video of the shearing will be posted when it has been completed.
To donate or find out more, visit: www.youcaring.com/canadian-cancer-society-593570/update/511151