Facilities Management’s Kirt Stewart (right) and two student volunteers sort through trash and recyclables at the 2014 Campus Waste Audit.
Bi-annual campus waste audit takes place Oct. 5
Most of the waste thrown into the on-campus garbage is recyclable.
To highlight this fact, every two years Facilities Management and a set of volunteers dive into a day’s worth of campus waste to see how well the campus community sorts out what can be recycled from what is actually garbage.
And on October 5, Facilities Management in partnership with GreenStep Solutions Inc. will be hosting the Biannual Campus Waste Audit.
Volunteers are still needed to help sort during any two-hour block between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. on October 5. Anyone interested can volunteer by emailing facilities.ok@ubc.ca. There will be refreshments and a draw prize for our volunteers.
To learn more about past campus waste audits as well as recycling and garbage collection at UBC Okanagan, visit: facilities.ok.ubc.ca/services/maintenance-grounds/recycling
To find out more about what can be recycled, returned, or composted — and where — check out the online A – Z Recyclepedia by visiting: sustain.ok.ubc.ca/initiatives/powerofyou/resources/Recycle_your_coffee_cup/Recyclepedia