Interprise students will be exposed to foundational coursework in arts, sciences, technology and management.
Launching summer 2017 at UBC’s Okanagan campus, Interprise allows upper-level undergraduate students from any discipline, the chance to join a four-month cohort of local, national and international peers and gain valuable skills outside their major area of study.
Interprise includes coursework in psychology, theatre, education, economics, engineering and management, and includes a capstone project. Courses are taught by UBC award-winning professors.
“The experience is designed to give students from any academic discipline the type of skills necessary for success, no matter which profession they enter,” says Professor Paul Davies who teaches psychology and coordinates Interprise.
“Whether students go on to be employed by a company, or start their own business, there are fundamental skills that will help them be more successful,” says Davies.
Interprise incorporates learning from several disciplines to encourage entrepreneurial thinking and skills that today’s economy demands. Regardless of your chosen profession, your ability to understand intergroup relationships, economics, ethics, or to manage a project effectively will contribute to your success.”
Faculty members or students looking for more information, can email interprise.ok@ubc.ca or visit interprise.ok.ubc.ca
Applications for the summer 2017 Interprise cohort are open until January 15, 2017.