On hand for Wednesday’s CTQ Scholarship announcement at UBC Okanagan were (front) third-year engineering students Jackie Nichols and Konrad Duerr; (back row, from left) Matt Cameron, CTQ Managing Partner; Ed Grifone, CTQ Manager of Planning and Urban Design; Dr. Michael Isaacson, Dean of UBC’s Faculty of Applied Science; and Dr. Spiro Yannacopoulos, Director of UBC Okanagan’s School of Engineering.
Engineering students at UBC Okanagan will benefit directly from a new scholarship initiative created this week by CTQ Consultants Ltd., an engineering, planning and design firm with headquarters in Kelowna.
CTQ Consultants is helping students pursue engineering education at UBC Okanagan with two $5,000 scholarships a year for the next three years. One scholarship will be awarded to a student entering the first year of the engineering program. The other scholarship will go to a student entering third-year civil engineering.
“CTQ Consulting and our industry in general need engineers desperately,” says Matt Cameron, a professional engineer and managing partner at CTQ Consultants. “Our company is growing rapidly within the industry, and success has created a need for engineers now and into the future to meet our clients’ expectations and our corporate goals.”
“By providing funding for student scholarships, CTQ hopes to support UBC Okanagan’s School of Engineering to develop extremely well-prepared engineering graduates,” says Cameron. “We believe helping students achieve their educational goals will help build future success for our firm and the entire region.”
The first CTQ Engineering Scholarship and CTQ Engineering Entrance Scholarship will be awarded for the 2008-2009 academic year.
“We’re very grateful to CTQ Consultants for this $30,000 commitment to students,” says Spiro Yannacopoulos, director of UBC Okanagan’s School of Engineering. “This is the largest scholarship package created by an industry partner for our engineering students. It will definitely help more students begin and continue their engineering studies.”
The School of Engineering offers Bachelor of Applied Science, Master of Applied Science and PhD-level degrees. At the undergraduate level, students can choose to specialize in civil, electrical or mechanical engineering in their third- and fourth-year programs. An optional co-operative education program, which integrates academic study with supervised work experience, is available during second year.
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