Toni Harfield, occupational health nurse, oversaw the development and implementation of the Okanagan campus Community Health pilot project.
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) has announced that its year-long Occupational Health pilot project has just completed with a variety of successes to report. The one-year project provided employees with health assessments, immunizations and respiratory protection. The project also helped guide nursing student projects in the areas of travel health and flu clinic operation.
HSE would like to recognize Toni Harfield, occupational health nurse, for her efforts on this project. Harfield helped expand the program and was instrumental in its success.
For those who were accessing the program and require follow ups, please contact HSE at 250-807-8624. To find out more about immunizations and their occupational exposures, HSE recommends seeking advice from a physician or local travel medical clinic.
Please note that HSE’s core community health programs — ergonomic assessments, air quality investigations and flu clinics — will not be affected by this change.