Student move-in day is a well-choreographed event at UBC Okanagan that happens the first Sunday in September and marks the beginning of the new academic year.
Campus prepares for annual migration of new students
Sunday, September 4 is the day at UBC Okanagan when all students moving into Residence are welcomed to campus.
Move-in day is a busy day and any staff or faculty coming to campus are reminded that the day has a significant impact on traffic and parking on campus.
Staff and faculty arriving on campus on September 4 are encouraged to park in J and B to facilitate the move-in process.
The day begins with over 1,000 students moving into residences from 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. This process is made seamless by the experienced team in Student Housing and Hospitality Services and the support of Orientation Leaders, Peer Mentors, and Heat varsity athletes and their coaches.
Parking lot H is used as a staging area for move-in vehicles and will not be accessible prior to 12:30 p.m. West-campus lots will also be difficult to use as University Way will busy with vehicles headed to the residences. F and G lots will likely be full with post-move-in groups as families attend the Parent Conference in the gym.
“This is such an exciting day, made possible by staff and volunteers from across campus,” says Suzanne Nazareno, manager of Conferences and Accommodation.
A number of campus services and offices will be open to support students during the move-in day, including food services, the Student Services desk, the UBC Students’ Union Okanagan office, and both on-campus bookstores.