UBC Okanagan’s International Week, first celebrated in 2006, will be part of an expanded Global Citizen Week in Kelowna this year. Several local organizations have joined together to raise awareness of the world’s social, political, economic and environmental issues, building on the success of Global Citizen Week first developed by local volunteers in 2004.
Global Citizen Week, which runs from Feb. 9 to 16, will feature numerous public events hosted by community organizations presenting information about the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals, a Global Citizen Forum to help local organizations network with one another, a special forum on gender equality and community development, and a multicultural food and entertainment festival.
Participants include the Intercultural Society of the Central Okanagan, Kelowna Community Resources Host Program, the Victoria International Development Education Association (VIDEA), and numerous other organizations.
These events will be followed by UBC Okanagan International Week events February 11 to 16 on campus, with the Amnesty International Film Festival, UBC Okanagan Books for Africa drive, a presentation by noted photojournalist Wendell Phillips and many other activities.
“These events will appeal to everyone, from youth to seniors, bringing an awareness of Canada’s role – and the role of each individual — in acting as global citizens,” says Nick Arkle, who has coordinated Global Citizen Week since it began two years ago. “We hope the one-week series of events will become an annual occurrence in Kelowna.”
Arkle notes that a new website currently being created will provide links to various organizations involved in Global Citizen Week. “The site will help those that want to learn more about what is being done, and how they can get involved,” he says.
“We’re very pleased to be part of a community-wide celebration of global citizenship,” says Dana Reiter, International Advisor at UBC Okanagan and a member of the Global Connections team planning the UBC Okanagan International Week activities.
“Our events on campus highlight global citizenship initiatives and opportunities led by UBC Okanagan students. With a focus on interaction, reflection, and fun, the week is filled with global chats, career and volunteer fairs, international films, and more – a perfect fit for this year’s expanded Global Citizen Week.”
For more information about all Global Citizen events, visit www.okanagan.students.ubc.ca/international and select International Week under the QuickFind.
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