Campus update on downtown Kelowna
Flag notification: International Transgender Day of Visibility 2024
Robert Janke appointed Deputy University Librarian, Okanagan Campus
Dr. Kedrick James appointed Interim Director, Okanagan School of Education
Flag Lowering: Meerali Tailor
Flag Lowering: Dr. Philip Balcaen
Flag lowering: The Right Honorable Martin Brian Mulroney, P.C., C.C., G.O.Q.
Inclusion and support through global events
Invitation: Heads Up Forum
New process to hire students and other changes
Principal’s budget update Town Hall scheduled for Jan. 26
January freeze on some student hiring transactions in Workday
Removing course location information from public view
Flag Lowering: Dr. John Leblanc
Message from the Provost
Athletics and Recreation external review