Beat Salad: Poetry in the woods with wine and cheese
UBC students research Kelowna’s famous lake creature
Small World art project hopes to demonstrate connectedness
Nature and art brought together for an evening walk through the woods
UBC hosts award-winning poet Jeff Latosik for sunset event
UBC, City of Kelowna organize several bee-friendly art events
UBC organizes summer reading and writing series at Woodhaven
UBC celebrates passionate teachers who make a difference
Public history and art: can sculptures shape public perspective?
UBC Okanagan honours professors and staff for years of service
Nancy Holmes wins national teaching award
Shelf Life exhibit showcases UBC visual arts students’ works
UBC students make art for the Mission in Dig Your Neighbourhood
Kamloops writer wins top prize in Okanagan Short Story Contest
AlterKnowledge discussion debates the “Welcoming Okanagan”
Winners and Losers battle it out at UBC’s University Theatre