Solutions the focus of Kelowna wildfire conference
Building better infrastructure for climate resilience
Engineering students building toward earthquake summit
UBCO’s School of Engineering seeks to inspire the next generation
Month-long Indigenous Art Intensive set for UBC Okanagan
Honey bees to ‘Honey, please’ is research we can all understand
Opening event a celebration of Asian Canadian histories, contributions
UBC hosts eighth annual Student Okanagan Film Festival
Deer are expanding north, and that’s not good for caribou
Scientists assess paths toward maintaining BC caribou until habitat recovers
BC interior universities extend collaboration to advance research, innovation
“Peachland Andrews” team triumphs at UBCO’s revived Live Case Challenge
Is climate change a time for ingenuity or urgent action?
Diabetes prevention program rolls out across Canada
UBCO graduating students host largest-ever art show
UBCO engineering students showcase ingenuity at year-end events