UBC Okanagan hosts virtual Giant Walkthrough Brain event
New space opens for students, resident doctors at Nelson hospital
Penticton adopts UBC nursing students’ Baby Friendly Initiative
Just one HIIT: High intensity interval training may reduce risk of diabetes
The fats you consume may make you lazy and prone to diabetes
UBC researcher investigates fall prevention for the elderly
Master of science in nursing program adds new dimension of caring
UBC supports drive to expand blood and stem cell donor registry
UBC medical student examines the use of CT scans by doctors
UBC’s Mini-Med health education series gets personalized
Okanagan Charter a call to action on health and wellbeing
Study highlights potential public health benefits of medical cannabis
UBC experts team up to offer new healthy weight service
National pharmacare policy focus of public discussion on Thursday
$150,000 for next generation of health researchers at UBC Okanagan
The power to choose: end-of-life care in First Nations communities