Exploring the identity of BC wine territory
Sulphites and the great wine debate
UBC Library enhances access to Okanagan Valley historical resources
Master of Management official launch
Converting parking spaces into people places
UBC Okanagan education a family affair for mother and daughter
More than 1,650 students graduate from UBC Okanagan this week
Awards for Enactus UBC Okanagan in their first-ever national competition
UBC Okanagan honours top faculty and teaching assistants
Green juice captures UBC’s Live Case Challenge, and wins $5,000
Scotiabank funds $2-million cybersecurity and financial data initiative at UBC
Dressed for success
UBC management students take on challenge with SunRype
Supporter of amateur and professional sports speaks at UBC breakfast event
UBC Management students honoured in business competition
UBC welcomes national sustainability research chair