UBC nursing student seeks insight at mental health summit
UBC honours two outstanding faculty members with top award
Arts and Sciences Centre officially opens at UBC’s Okanagan campus
CATCH BC targets local residents who may have ‘at risk’ health issues
Hope an important factor in advance care planning
Nursing students help villagers build health clinic in Africa
UBC holding forum on Master of Science in Nursing program
UBC nursing students unite with Vernon school to raise global health awareness
Nursing student wins team captain leadership award
Nursing students raise funds to create educational resource for Africa
Nursing workshop designed to build better approach to palliative care
Back to school update: School of Nursing
Nursing students learn from African colleagues
New Dean appointed for UBC’s Faculty of Health and Social Development
More than 1,300 degrees conferred at UBC’s Okanagan campus
UBC’s School of Nursing knows how to get a move on