Explore UBC Okanagan’s research on mental health resiliency
Preparing the next generation of caregivers
UBC team recognized for increasing blood donations on campus
Small towns need to do more to help immigrants feel they belong
Community health-based volunteer program spreads across Canada
More than 1,650 students graduate from UBC Okanagan this week
Awards for Enactus UBC Okanagan in their first-ever national competition
11 recognized for more than 25 years of dedicated service
Lack of adequate support a barrier for those wishing to die at home
Digital photography could be a key factor in rural health care
New moms moving toward the bottle
Pregnant women at risk of getting the flu are not getting vaccinated
UBC nursing students raise funds for healthcare in Ghana and Zambia
UBC research aims to increase health of men in blue-collar jobs
Risky business: Seniors don’t acknowledge post-hospitalization vulnerability
Researcher looking for answers when a child abandons the family religion