Prime Minister Trudeau hosts Town Hall at UBC Okanagan Sept. 6
Back to school brings a flurry of events to UBC’s Okanagan campus
The economics of back to school
Bee-decking the meadow: A community eco-art installation
Community experiences Opera Under the Stars at UBC Okanagan
UBC Okanagan presents poet Jordan Scott at a public reading
UBC Okanagan courtyard setting for Opera Under the Stars
Pollinator Picnic celebrates Kelowna’s nectar trail success
UBC event to focus on Canada 150 and alternative commemorations
UBC showcases community school science and tech innovations
Okanagan Short Story Contest winners announced April 18
Kids can ‘dream big’ about the world of engineering on the big screen
Graduating students host art and interdisciplinary performance exhibition
IT staff takes on UBC Okanagan women’s volleyball team
UBC hosts candidate forum for upcoming election
Hovercrafts, gearboxes and wearable technology part of year-end projects at UBC