Fifth annual Indigeneity panel takes place at UBC Okanagan
World Water Day celebrations at UBC next week
Engineering professor is UBC Okanagan Researcher of the Year
Significant impact on water resources by land use change: UBC study
UBC presents Jay Ingram for a second night
Wisdom Tettey to lead arts and sciences faculty at UBC Okanagan
UBC professor chairs national committee on historical preservation
UBC students examine social phenomenon of Cristiano Ronaldo
Follow-up: UBC professor and Rotary Club help build new washrooms for Tanzanian school
Whitecaps president Lenarduzzi keynote speaker at annual breakfast
Award-winning Jay Ingram speaks about the science of Alzheimer’s
Visiting paleontologist brings history of Yukon’s mammals to UBC
Visiting Australian professor to speak on aboriginal and citizenship issues
Nobel night comes to UBC as laureates and discoveries are celebrated
UBC faculties taking steps to create healthy lives for seniors
Finch family donates $600,000 to UBC Okanagan for student awards