Tyler Pentland talks sports, coaching, and stepping up to the plate to pursue Education at UBC Okanagan
Zuwena Haji Machano adjusts to university life in Canada, half a world away from home
A gut decision leads to UBCO
UBCO student Casey Hamilton juggles social activism and scholarly pursuits
A winding but fulfilling road
The study of critical thinking
She who wears the iron ring
PhD or private industry? What’s next?
Restoring Okanagan salmon habitats
Maternal instincts
Shedding light on the legacy of colonialism
Technology through tinkering
The enjoyment of learning and problem solving
South Okanagan alumnus Dr. Travis Thompson has deep rural roots, and a deep desire to serve small communities
Outdoor enthusiast and elite skier Taylor Weixl hones in on research in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology studies
Close-knit campus inspires feeling of community