Factory-built homes could help cities with tight housing markets
Avcorp Industries and UBC agree to pursue innovative partnership
UBC research targets oil and gas pipeline safety
Eyewitnesses’ memories darken skin colour when recalling ‘black’ crimes, UBC research shows
UBC and industry partnership spurs metallurgical sector development in BC Interior
UBC’s rainbow stairs celebrate inclusion
Ride-share incentives capture Live Case Argus Cup
UBC Management students to solve City of Kelowna challenge
Home of the future Living Lab project started in Wilden subdivision
Immigrant entrepreneurs more confident about their future than those born in Canada
Manipulators less convincing online than in person, UBC research shows
The Urbanizing Okanagan
Kelowna immigrants struggle with integration, UBC research finds
UBC research helps small municipalities manage aging water systems
UBC professor’s book rethinks how to address homelessness
UBC research examines ways to prevent youth homelessness