Noted social activist Sherene Razack speaks at UBC Okanagan
Fast for a Day with UBC Okanagan’s Muslim Students’ Association
UBC Okanagan offers free library cards to public
Pianist Robert Silverman opens Minds and Music season Sep. 17 at UBC Okanagan
Okanagan science, tech and ed sectors team up to fuel the economy of the future
Explore the writer within — no experience necessary
Homer-Dixon, Orbinski and Simpson to open UBC Okanagan’s Distinguished Speaker Series
Surging out-of-province demand bolsters first-year enrolment at UBC Okanagan
UBC Okanagan issues first Staff Awards of Excellence
Communicating cancer: survey reaches out to young women
Foreign threats to U.S. raise tolerance for diversity, study finds
Myra’s Men: new book launches with Myra Canyon reopening
Osoyoos lakebed study to examine impact of settlement
Free centenary concert features UBC’s Borealis String Quartet
UBC Okanagan Spring Convocation sees 668 students graduate
UBC’s largest-ever conference opens with Kelowna event May 29