Phil Barker, former Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation, reflects on UBCO’s expanding research enterprise and the leaders who inspired him
Finding a home away from home
UBCO event explores how climate change, wildfire and water are interconnected
UBCO’s one-year professional master’s program designed for innovative leaders
Flag notification: Chancellor Emeritus Lindsay Gordon
Dr. Jannik Haruo Eikenaar appointed Academic Director for the Centre for Teaching and Learning
UBCO experts provide tips for heading back to school
Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation leadership update
Welcome Back: Fall Town Hall and BBQ
Leading the charge: New Battery Innovation Centre to power up at UBC Okanagan
New Battery Innovation Centre to supercharge B.C. clean energy innovation
Artist in Residence will share her passion for creating cyanotypes
UBCO professor brings the beautiful game back into the classroom
Flag notification: Alex Janvier
Olympic marathoner raises money so that all kids can play
UBC Properties Trust offers new support for Pathways residents